AppAdvice has posted detailed instructions, explaining how to install Apple’s new version of iMovie on your first generation iPad. Normally, this would be impossible since iMovie has been designed for the iPad 2 (and iPhone 4). The good news is that the workaround is pretty easy to accomplish. The bad news is that it’s only a temporary solution.
Users who have tried this technique are reporting significant problems when syncing their iPads back to their computers. Many have posted comments suggesting that iTunes is smart enough to detect the unauthorized app, and require users to completely restore their iPads before syncing.
So, why do this at all? I can only think of one reason, and it’s a damn good reason. If you’re considering upgrading to an iPad 2, specifically so you can edit video with iMovie, then you can use AppAdvice’s technique to try out iMovie on your iPad 1 first. If you like the way it functions, you can make your iPad 2 purchase with confidence.