Apps & Accessories from my MojoFest Presentation
Thanks to everyone who came out for this year’s MojoFest in Galway, Ireland. It was an incredible event overflowing with talented, creative and friendly people
Hand Held Hollywood officially ceased operations on September 17th, 2024. The site will remain online for archival and research purposes. The App Directory continues to receive updates as needed. If you’d like to contact Taz, the contact form is still functional. We also invite you to join Taz’s mailing list here.
Thanks to everyone who came out for this year’s MojoFest in Galway, Ireland. It was an incredible event overflowing with talented, creative and friendly people
“Wonder Twin Powers Activate! Form of: a Crazy-Awesome, Super-Accurate Timecode Slate!” You heard it here first, folks (unless you heard it someplace else first). PureBlend
Looks like Pomfort isn’t the only company getting into the clapboard business! A few days ago, HHH reported on the MamboFrame, a new accessory from
Movie★Slate was one of the very first apps we covered on HHH. Later, we interviewed the developer after the 2.0 release. It’s been a long
Even though this isn’t officially a real product yet, it’s still officially really awesome! The guys at Pomfort (makers of SilverStack for desktop computers) have
Everyone who reads HHH already knows that the iPad is a filmmaker’s dream tool. But now, it looks like Apple is catching on. Congratulations to
One of our favorite iPhone apps just graduated to the iPad. Not only is it bigger, and prettier, Movie*Slate 2.0 has added some very impressive,
If you poke around the iTunes App Store long enough, you’ll find an abundance of two things: apps that fart, and virtual clapboards. Let’s focus