A digital movie slate displaying timecode and production details with a hand lifting the top part.

iClapperBoard turns your iPad into a Movie Slate… Again!

Looks like Pomfort isn’t the only company getting into the clapboard business!

A few days ago, HHH reported on the MamboFrame, a new accessory from Pomfort that brings physical clapping sticks to your iPad’s virtual movie slate. For many, this will be the much-needed missing link between the analog and digital worlds of film logging. It’s a brilliant, simple idea who’s time has come. And apparently, it’s about to come again (dirty sounding, but accurate).

The iClapperBoard is a new frame that converts your iPad 2 into an actual movie slate. At first blush, this sounds exactly like the MamboFrame, but there are differences, the most obvious of which are the construction materials and the price. The iClapperboard is made of wood (an ABS plastic model will be available in early 2012), while the MamboFrame is constructed from PMMA Plexiglas. More notably, the iClapperBoard will sell for $165.00, while the MamboFrame is priced over $200 higher at $379. In an effort to bring more functionality to the mix, the iClapperBoard also includes a dry-erase board on the back of the frame.

Since I haven’t used either of the finished products, I have no real way to compare their construction, ease of use, or durability. Based on simple (potentially inaccurate) observations, the MamboFrame appears to be more industrial strength (even requiring an alan wrench for the installation and removal of your iPad) while the iClapperBoard appears more basic in its construction, allowing your iPad to slide in and out via a side door. For now, I’ll simply have to assume that they’ll both have strengths and weaknesses.

Like the MamboFrame, the iClapperBoard is now available for pre-order. No release date is listed on their website.


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