Movie poster for the Oscar-nominated doc "Searching for Sugar Man" featuring a man walking down a city street with critical acclaim quotes and awards.

Oscar nominated doc partially shot on iPhone!

Update: Searching for Sugar Man has WON the Oscar!

Are you one of those people who still doubt an iPhone can be used to shoot a “real” production? Well then, perhaps this will change your mind…

When filmmaker Malik Bendjelloul ran out of money to continue shooting and processing film for his new documentary, Searching for Sugar Man, he turned to his iPhone and a $1.99 vintage video camera app called 8mm.

Sure, that’s awesome, but you know what’s even more awesome? Searching for Sugar Man is now nominated for an Academy award!Rather than yammering on about it, I’ll simply point you to this interview posted by CNN Money a couple days ago.

On a side note, this isn’t the only time an iPhone has contributed to a well received documentary. American Promise, which recently screened at the Sundance Film Festival, also includes footage shot on an iPhone.

Take that, doubting doubters of doubtopia!

*Thanks to Ken Ray, Geoff Murrin, and Karyn Johnson for putting this on my radar!

‎8mm Vintage Camera
‎8mm Vintage Camera
Developer: NEXVIO INC.
Price: $3.99+

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O.P.N. for APRIL 11th, 2019

Welcome to another edition of Other People’s News. Here are a few of the more interesting info-nuggets I’ve recently spotted around the web-o-sphere:


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