Hand Held Hollywood officially ceased operations on September 17th, 2024. The site will remain online for archival and research purposes. The App Directory continues to receive updates as needed. If you’d like to contact Taz, the contact form is still functional. We also invite you to join Taz’s mailing list here.

Two iPhones propped up against each other, each with a portable Anamorphic lens attachment on their back.

A real Anamorphic lens for your iPhone? Yup!

UPDATE: The Kickstarter campaign has reached its goal in just a handful of days (nice work, everyone), but you can still get in on the early-bird pricing by becoming a backer!

If you’re serious about shooting footage on your iPhone, you likely already own a lens accessory or two (such as the olloclip or iPro Lens). While there’s no shortage of iPhone friendly wide-angle, fisheye, macro, and telephoto lenses on the market, one of the most important lens types has been noticeably absent — the Anamorphic Lens. Thankfully, that’s about to change!

Moondog Labs has officially unleashed their iPhone 5/5S Anamorphic Adapter Lens on Kickstarter TODAY. An $85 minimum pledge will get you one of the first adapters off the production line in March. If you know what an Anamorphic lens is, you’re likely already whipping out your credit card (a smart move!).

Never heard of Anamorphic? Here’s the basics: An anamorphic lens lets you capture widescreen footage without sacrificing image quality. Currently, an iPhone filmmaker looking to achieve a widescreen result would have to letterbox (crop) the top and bottom of their HD footage — throwing away valuable pixels in the process. An anamorphic lens, on the other hand, is able to squeeze a widescreen image horizontally, cramming it into a standard sized frame (not wasting any pixels). The resulting footage looks pretty absurd, but after it’s run through a post-process to un-squeeze it, the footage looks widescreen-a-licious! It’s quite likely that several of your favorite films have been shot with anamorphic lenses.

If you want to learn more about this new Anamorphic Adapter and see some example footage, watch Moondog Labs’ informative Kickstarter video. If you REALLY want to nerd-out, check out this Wikipedia Article.

I was lucky enough to talk with the folks from Moondog Labs a few months back, and I’m convinced they’ve got something very special on their hands. Their new Anamorphic Adapter has the potential to lift iPhoneography to the next level. If you’re serious about filmmaking, get serious about anamorphic, and back this campaign!


More to explore

Man presenting on stage with a microphone and a projection screen in the background, focusing on Mobile Filmmaking.

Video: The HHH Mobile Filmmaking presentation at LACPUG

Just in case you missed my Mobile Filmmaking presentation at the Los Angeles Creative Pro User Group back in July, here’s a (low angle) video of the whole enchilada! It’s PACKED with apps and accessories you need to know! Check it out! And as always, if you dig it, share it!

Smartphone mounted on a tripod using a New GLIF clamp holder for stability.

The New GLIF tripod mount looks awesome!

UPDATE – MAY 30, 2017: Having successfully wrapped up its Kickstarter campaign, the GLIF is now available for purchase directly from the Studio Neat website! The GLIF will run you $28, while the full set with hand grip and wrist strap will set you back $55. The GLIF, one of the first iPhone camera accessories is still one of the best. And it’s about to get even better! Just in case you’ve been avoiding every article ever written about mobile filmmaking, the GLIF is a pocket-sized tripod mount for your iPhone.