In case you were wondering if the iPad can be used to create original hand-drawn-style animations, I have your answer. An animator by the name of Tyrel Bramwell has been using Red Software‘s iPad app Animation Creator HD to create a series called Johnny Scribble. I’ve embedded an episode below for your dining and dancing pleasure.
Animation Creator HD is a powerful, low cost ($1.99) iPad app for mobile animators. It features drawing tools, layers, and frame management. And, as of version 1.7, users can upload their creations to YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. I have no drawing skills what-so-ever, and I was still able to make a couple cool characters walk around, and fall on their faces. I’m BRILLIANT (or maybe it’s just the app).
If you’d rather animate on a smaller screen, there’s a separate version of Animation Creator just for iPhone ($.99).
You can view all the Johnny Scribble episodes on YouTube, or on the official website.