Start saving your pennies, boys and girls! It looks like we might be hearing about Apple’s long rumored Tablet in less than 10 days. According to Engadget, Apple is holding a press event on January 27th (at 10am) to show off their ‘latest creation.’ Has a very Willy Wonka feel, doesn’t it?
If the rumors are true, and Apple unveils a tablet with 10″ screen, that will mean BIG things for film and video makers. All the brilliant apps and ideas that were hampered by a tiny screen will suddenly be entirely viable. Screenwriting apps will become more natural. Editing apps will take on shades of iMovie. Scoring apps will feature an octave’s worth of actual-size piano keys.
It would be a game changer.
And, as long as it’s small and light enough to be considered Hand-Held, HHH will excitedly welcome it’s newest obsession.