Hand Held Hollywood officially ceased operations on September 17th, 2024. The site will remain online for archival and research purposes. The App Directory continues to receive updates as needed. If you’d like to contact Taz, the contact form is still functional. We also invite you to join Taz’s mailing list here.

A screenshot of the sports tracker app synced with Final Cut Pro on iPad.

Cut Notes for iPad gets Final Cut Pro Sync!

Digital Rebellion has released a significant update to Cut Notes, their post-production note-taking app for iPad owners.

Version 1.1 introduces automatic syncing with Final Cut Pro 7! This is major!  The lack of sych was considered by most to be the previous version’s only significant shortcoming. To use the new feature, both your iPad and Mac must be on the same WiFi network.  Setup is done via your Mac’s built-in midi control software. Clever!

The update brings other tweaks as well, including iOS 5 compatibly, and a slightly refreshed interface (it’s more purdier).

If you want to learn more about Cut Notes, check out our previous coverage including a video of the app in action. Naturally, the video doesn’t show off the syncing feature since it wasn’t available back then.

‎Cut Notes
‎Cut Notes
Price: $14.99

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