Just two days ago, I was lecturing about iPhone and iPad apps at the DV Expo. Part of my presentation was spent talking about iAnnotate PDF for iPad, an app that allows you to add various types of notes to your PDF files that can then be shared with others. I said, and I quote, “It’s the only game in town for script notes.”
What a difference one day makes!
Yesterday, Good.iWare released version 3.0 of GoodReader for iPad ($0.99). This app has been a long time favorite of mine due to it’s incredible ability to import documents from a wide variety of sources (email attachments, iDisk, Dropbox, FTP, etc.). It’s always been a top-notch script reader. But with this major update, GoodReader has added the ability to annotate PDF files with amazing ease. The annotation interface is slick and unobtrusive.
You can add a multitude of annotation types, all of which get saved back to your original PDF (or a new annotated copy). That means you can easily add script notes to a screenplay, and then hand off those notes to the writer or studio, confident that they’ll have no trouble opening and reading the document on their desktop machines and laptops. [update: check out the update below about viewing annotations in iOS devices]
If you don’t already own GoodReader, and you have been looking for an easy and inexpensive way to annotate PDF scripts, stop reading and get this app NOW. If we had a 5-star rating system, this update would force us to add a sixth star.
For more details, check out the app in the the iTunes Store.