It’s 1am, you’re trapped on set, and the director just called for a two-headed giraffe. Where are you going to find one at this hour?! Fear not! A new company called Doddle has developed a complete production guide for your iPhone. You can look up all kinds of production resources using a variety of search criteria.
They’ve got big plans for the future. I’ll let them tell you all about it. Check out the video:
One Response
Looks great and exciting BUT
– The "premium" listing is way to expensive! $130 for a redundant LinkedIn page? Do you want a glass of water?
– To use the service, you need an account (free): this bugs me already.
– Creating a (free or premium) account has a by default opt-in feature that give away your email to third parties. No thank you. (You can disable this ONLY AFTER you received the first newsletter.)
Conclusion: this company is believing I am a cow. That’s monkeys business.