Hand Held Hollywood officially ceased operations on September 17th, 2024. The site will remain online for archival and research purposes. The App Directory continues to receive updates as needed. If you’d like to contact Taz, the contact form is still functional. We also invite you to join Taz’s mailing list here.

NAB ’10 – Doddle

It’s 1am, you’re trapped on set, and the director just called for a two-headed giraffe.  Where are you going to find one at this hour?!  Fear not!  A new company called Doddle has developed a complete production guide for your iPhone.  You can look up all kinds of production resources using a variety of search criteria.

They’ve got big plans for the future.  I’ll let them tell you all about it. Check out the video:


More to explore

Mid-20th century black and white photograph of two young boys, one writing on a desk and the other standing behind him, with overlaid text "O.P.N.

O.P.N. for APRIL 11th, 2019

Welcome to another edition of Other People’s News. Here are a few of the more interesting info-nuggets I’ve recently spotted around the web-o-sphere:

An animated Apple character in a striped shirt, holding a lightbulb idea while surrounded by film production equipment, highlights the potential of filmmaking apps.

Apple Highlights Filmmaking Apps

The iOS App Store’s “Today Tab” just got a lot more interesting! Apple has highlighted a small collection of high-quality apps for

One Response

  1. Looks great and exciting BUT
    – The "premium" listing is way to expensive! $130 for a redundant LinkedIn page? Do you want a glass of water?
    – To use the service, you need an account (free): this bugs me already.
    – Creating a (free or premium) account has a by default opt-in feature that give away your email to third parties. No thank you. (You can disable this ONLY AFTER you received the first newsletter.)

    Conclusion: this company is believing I am a cow. That’s monkeys business.