Comic book style banner with the word "Rehearsal" featuring an actor and a prompt to "add new scripts.

Rehearsal is every Actor’s new best friend

If you’ve seen me speak at industry events, then you already know I’m a big fan of Sotto Voce Film+Works’ Rehearsal, an app that gives actors an irrefutable reason to purchase an iPad (or an iPhone).

At its core, Rehearsal is a script reading application designed specifically for actors who must memorize lines, or submit voice auditions via email. It works on iPhone, but really shines on iPad, since the screen is so much closer to the size of an actual script page. [UPDATE: Make sure to read the developer’s comment below. He makes some great points about the benefits of using Rehearsal on an iPhone.]

Here’s how it works. The user emails a script to a special email address. Once the script has been processed, it becomes available inside Rehearsal. The user opens the script, and uses the provided tools to highlight lines, add notes (text, voice or photos), and record audio performances. Once the user is confident he/she has the lines memorized, they can tap the Blackout button. Every line that was highlighted is instantly blacked-out, forcing the actor to perform the scene from memory. Nice!

Actors can record their performances using the built-in mic, then email MP3s right from the app — perfect for voice-over auditions.

Rehearsal was developed by professional actor, David H. Lawrence, XVII (Lost, Heros, and MANY others). It’s clear that his years of experience have helped him craft this impressive app. Furthermore, David’s connections in the acting community allowed him to beta-test Rehearsal with a-list talent on sets all over Los Angeles. Who ever said app development isn’t glamorous?

Rehearsal is free, but it costs a small amount to upload scripts. Unlimited upload subscriptions are also available. The app comes with a free trial period, so you can try it out before committing to any additional fees. Considering how much actors spend on other recurring costs (i.e. headshots, reels, classes, etc.), this seems like a pretty minor expense for something of such potential value.


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3 Responses

  1. Taz – thanks so much for your great review.

    I actually have Rehearsal on both my iPhone and my iPad – and although I work on both, I find myself coming back to using it on the iPhone over and over rather than the iPad. The iPhone’s a more intimate feel – I put my iPhone in my pocket and listen and rehearse via my Bluetooth headset (yes, the one you use to take calls) – right up until I go into the audition room or onto the set – and even on set, having my iPhone with me to play around with the script before shooting gives me even more options.

    This isn’t to say that using it on the iPad isn’t awesome – it might be that I don’t do that much of it on set because it becomes a distraction for the iPad curious. I’m sure that will die down one of these years.

    At any rate – you rock, and your site rocks just as hard.


  2. David,

    Outstanding comments!

    As a writer/director, I think I’m partial to anything that offers me a large, full page view. But, I’m not an actor, and I may have overlooked the benefits of an intimate, more portable device. I’m glad you’ve offered an actor’s perspective! I’ve added an update to the review, pointing readers to your comments.


  3. Taz,

    An update – we’ve revved Rehearsal to Version 2, and there are some great new things about the app you’ll love:

    1. You can now open your scripts directly from the emails they arrive in, from you agent, casting, production, etc.

    2. You can slide back and forth in rehearsal scene audio – if you go up on a line, just pull the script back to where you want to pick up, or jump ahead to a later point in the script.

    3. We’ve drastically reduced the price, and we’ve gone simple, flat paid app: It’s now just $20 for unlimited usage – no more script, month or year subscriptions. I can tell you that was the best fiscal decision we’ve made – we’re doing an order of magnitude better in sales than before when we were subscription based.

    You can get the upgrade to Rehearsal 2 at – and thanks again for the coverage!
