Hand Held Hollywood officially ceased operations on September 17th, 2024. The site will remain online for archival and research purposes. The App Directory continues to receive updates as needed. If you’d like to contact Taz, the contact form is still functional. We also invite you to join Taz’s mailing list here.

Podcast or iPhone audio player interface with playback controls and logos for "Hand Held Hollywood" and "MacBreak Studio.

Wirelessly Control Final Cut Pro with your iPhone & Playhead

A couple weeks ago, I had the honor of taping a few segments with the guys from MacBreak Studio, a killer video podcast for anyone doing creative work on a Mac.  I was there yapping all about all kinds of mobile stuff, including Playhead from Wind Up Toy, an AWESOME little $2.99 app that lets you remotely control Final Cut Pro with your iDevice.  Now you can subclip from the sofa!

Note: Playhead was $1.99 a couple weeks ago when we taped the segment, but it’s gone up a buck since then — Still, TOTALLY worth it.

Check out the Playhead segment below, or subscribe to MacBreak Studio right in iTunes.


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Mid-20th century black and white photograph of two young boys, one writing on a desk and the other standing behind him, with overlaid text "O.P.N.

O.P.N. for APRIL 11th, 2019

Welcome to another edition of Other People’s News. Here are a few of the more interesting info-nuggets I’ve recently spotted around the web-o-sphere:

An animated Apple character in a striped shirt, holding a lightbulb idea while surrounded by film production equipment, highlights the potential of filmmaking apps.

Apple Highlights Filmmaking Apps

The iOS App Store’s “Today Tab” just got a lot more interesting! Apple has highlighted a small collection of high-quality apps for

2 Responses

  1. Thanks for the post. Just bought it and started playing around with it immediately. Just the fact that it allows you to duplicate a clip from the timeline into the viewer alone makes it worth buying. (it kind of takes the place of a jog shuttle does it not?)

    Here’s hoping when they update it a bit more they include in and out points and the ability to jump from clip to clip, not just start and end. But in the meantime it rocks and I can see myself using it as a regular part of my editing suite. (*I’m using on iphone)