Podcast or iPhone audio player interface with playback controls and logos for "Hand Held Hollywood" and "MacBreak Studio.

Wirelessly Control Final Cut Pro with your iPhone & Playhead

A couple weeks ago, I had the honor of taping a few segments with the guys from MacBreak Studio, a killer video podcast for anyone doing creative work on a Mac.  I was there yapping all about all kinds of mobile stuff, including Playhead from Wind Up Toy, an AWESOME little $2.99 app that lets you remotely control Final Cut Pro with your iDevice.  Now you can subclip from the sofa!

Note: Playhead was $1.99 a couple weeks ago when we taped the segment, but it’s gone up a buck since then — Still, TOTALLY worth it.

Check out the Playhead segment below, or subscribe to MacBreak Studio right in iTunes.


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2 Responses

  1. Thanks for the post. Just bought it and started playing around with it immediately. Just the fact that it allows you to duplicate a clip from the timeline into the viewer alone makes it worth buying. (it kind of takes the place of a jog shuttle does it not?)

    Here’s hoping when they update it a bit more they include in and out points and the ability to jump from clip to clip, not just start and end. But in the meantime it rocks and I can see myself using it as a regular part of my editing suite. (*I’m using on iphone)