Bust out the bundt cake and ice-cold Tab! It’s time to celebrate our first year of existence on the intertubes. It was one year ago today that HHH posted it’s very first collection of
misspellings and grammatical errors articles and reviews.
It’s been a ridiculous year for HHH, and for me personally. Thanks to this website, I’ve met many amazing people, lectured all around the country, collaborated with some wickedly talented developers, and even gotten a few directing gigs from HHH readers.
I started Hand Held Hollywood because I felt compelled to combine and share my love of filmmaking and gadgetry. I thought I might be the only person enamored with the idea of using an iPhone on set, but I rapidly learned that there are tens of thousands of us out here. And it’s because of you, that HHH is still going, and growing. Thank you for being part of the family, and spreading the word. On that note, I should mention we just made it easier to share HHH with a brand new embeddable widget. Hooray!
Let me also take a moment to thank the sites sponsors who’ve kept the lights on, and the hard drives humming. If you want to support this site, please support our sponsors. And if you’d like to become a sponsor, you can get some info here.
Now that Apple is on a roll, and releasing new products every 3 minutes, I have no doubt that the coming years will be filled with exciting developments for all of us gizmo obsessed story tellers.
We plan to continue improving HHH by bringing in additional authors, expanding the app directory, and digging deeper into user workflows with more ‘how-to’ type tutorials. My hope for the future is the same as it was when this all started. I want HHH to be the ultimate pit-stop for mobile mediamakers around the world. And I want to drive a car made of chocolate. Not necessarily in that order.
Here’s a few numbers for those of you who actually like numbers (what the hell is wrong with you?!).
Our Alexa rating has climbed from 6,926,488 to 880,731. Not too shabby for one year!
Our Readers Use:
Safari 52.34%
Firefox 21.31%
IE6 5.03%*
Others 21.32%
*side note: If you’re still using IE6, knock it off.
Our Readers Run:
MacOSX 59.63%
WinXP 14.34%
iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) 7.99%
Other 18.04%
Our busiest day was Feb 8th, 2010, when Studio Daily featured us in their newsletter. It was also right around the time when Apple released the iPad, and right after I had appeared at the San Francisco SuperMeet. A perfect storm of free publicity. Yippie!
And there you have it. One year down, and more to come. Thanks again making HHH a part of your well balanced, gadget-obsessed diet.
3 Responses
Happy Birthday! Keep up the great work!
Congrats on this Milestone Taz