At Hand Held Hollywood, we strive to be the single best destination for iPhone loving media-makers. We cover the latest apps, discuss the newest hardware accessories, offer innovative tutorials, and provide a forum for developers and their users.
But sometimes… you just want a list.
There are quite a few app lists out there already, spread out across many sites. So, rather than creating yet another app list, and adding to the confusion, we thought we’d try something a little different.
With that in mind, we’re proud to present, HHH’s List of Lists.
World Wide Angle’s iPhone Apps for Filmmakers
ProVideo Coalition’s iPhone Apps for Cinematographers
FWD:Labs’ Apps for Cimema Artists
ProVideo Coalition’s Cool Widgets
Filmcast’s iPhone Depth of Field Calculator
Filmcast’s iPhone Apps for the Cinematographer – Part 2
CineTechnica’s iPhone Apps for the Modern Cinematographer
2-Pop’s iPhone Apps for This and That
Self-Reliant Film’s WebApps for Filmmakers
Deltree’s Apps for Video Production
Did we forget a list? Â Let us know in the comments, and we’ll add ’em to the list (of lists).
4 Responses
2-Pop’s got a new list. Came out a few days ago.
Thanks DJ2,
Good find! I’ve added it the list (of lists).
Just added a couple more I found on
Here’s another one: