Hand Held Hollywood officially ceased operations on September 17th, 2024. The site will remain online for archival and research purposes. The App Directory continues to receive updates as needed. If you’d like to contact Taz, the contact form is still functional. We also invite you to join Taz’s mailing list here.

A person holding a video camera with a microphone attached to it.

Tiffen adds 58mm Support to their Totally Adorable Listec Promptware Teleprompter

If you’ve been lusting after Tiffen’s Listec Promptware PW-04 Teleprompter (a bite-size contraption that turns your iPhone or iPod touch  into a very portable through-the-glass prompter), but you’ve been holding off because your video camera’s lens is just too dang large… Behold! Tiffen has announced a new version that will support lens sizes up to 58mm.

The Listic Promptware PW-04 is just a little over half a pound (without your iPhone), and can be set up quickly without tools (unless your camera person is a tool, in which case, it can be set up with a single tool).  It runs around $320, and comes with a one year warranty.

According to the manufacturer, the new model supports the following cameras:


  • Sony HDR-CX700V
  • Panasonic HDC-TM900K
  • Sony HDR-CX560V
  • Canon VIXIA HF M50
  • Canon VIXIA HF M52
  • Canon VIXIA HF M500
  • Sony DCR SX45
  • Sony HDR-CX130
  • Panasonic HC-V700M
  • Sony HDR-CX160/B


  • Sony Professional HVR-A1U
  • Sony HDR-FX7
  • Sony HVR-HD1000U
  • Sony HVRA1U
  • Sony HXR-NX70U
  • JVC GYHM150U
  • Panasonic AG-HMC40
  • Panasonic AG-HMC80 3MOS
  • Sony HXR-MC50L



More to explore

Use your Kindle as a teleprompter

Imagine this… you’re relaxing comfortably in a lounge chair, reading a favorite ebook on your Kindle.  When suddenly, a video shoot breaks