Picosteady: the NEW Steadicam-like Stabilizer for iPhone
Shaky shots got you down? Sounds like you need a stabilizer! Since the iPhone line added its own digital stabilization, we’ve enjoyed a general reduction
Hand Held Hollywood officially ceased operations on September 17th, 2024. The site will remain online for archival and research purposes. The App Directory continues to receive updates as needed. If you’d like to contact Taz, the contact form is still functional. We also invite you to join Taz’s mailing list here.
Shaky shots got you down? Sounds like you need a stabilizer! Since the iPhone line added its own digital stabilization, we’ve enjoyed a general reduction
It seems like every 30 seconds, there’s another iPhone accessory launching on Kickstarter. Most are insanely silly, but every once in a while, a unique
Just because you CAN shoot vertical video with your iPhone, doesn’t mean you should. I have to admit, I cringe every time I see a
AppAdvice has a great post about three new clip-on lenses from Gizmon, including a fisheye lens ($35), a circular polarizer ($25), and something called a Three image Mirage
There’s a video camera app in town, and this one is a doozy! CinePro for iPhone offers an enormous degree of control, hidden behind in an
I’ve been banging on Apple’s newest iDevice since Friday morning, and I’m ready to offer my answer to this burning question: Should mobile filmmakers run
Do you yearn to become the next D.W. Griffith? Are you itchin’ to release your inner Chaplin? Well, it’s time to unleash The Artist within
AppAdvice.com has just posted a story about a new mini iPhone tripod-ish mount called the Tiltpod. Here’s the short version: It’s a key-chain ready, mini
I just got back from MacWorld | iWorld, and BOY, what a difference one year can make! In 2011, Macworld wasn’t much more than 20
AppAdvice.com has just posted a preview of the new DiffCase for iPhone. It appears to be a new entrant into the iPhone tripod mount category.